Jason Boffetti

fiatadmin | November 10, 2010
Jason Boffetti is a Civitas fellow and a research associate in education at the Faith and Reason Institute. His articles on education policy have appeared in Crisis Magazine, Policy Review, and the National Catholic Register, and his monograph on school choice, “All Schools are Public Schools,” is available on this website. Dr. Boffetti has a Ph.D. in Politics from the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., and a B.A. in History and Political Studies from Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts. Formerly, he was a research assistant at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and assistant editor at Policy Review magazine. In 1999, he participated in the Claremont Institute’s Publius Fellows Program; in 2000, he attended the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s Tertio Millennio Seminar in Krakow, Poland; and in 2002, he attended the Center for Public Justice’s Civitas Program.

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